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Do you want more? Directly after this workshop you can continue with an 8 months training until next january. The structure will be very similar - the effect very different:

A 6 weeks workshop can really change perspectives and start new habits.

If you want trust to your daily habit you might need a little longer.


Trust is a muscle and needs regular stimulation!


What you can expect:

Guided online training for eight months to strengthen your confidence sustainably

by actively working with and on your visions, traumas and relationships!

Podcasts recorded by me on various topics, which you can listen to anywhere

and apply them directly!

Individual and professional couching to further develop your personal topics.

Meet and share with other participants or form your own on-site group.

Take advantage of the offer of 7 different intensive courses in Madeira to take some time out and gain even deeper insights into yourself.


Would you like to learn more? Then a deeper insight awaits you in the following

as well as a yearly structure about what you can expect:


The course is structured as follows:

Every week on Wednesday you can expect an online meeting with all the

course participants. Each month there is one major topic, which we will explore in

4 or 5 meetings.

The approach is structured more or less the same each month: The first

Wednesday evening begins with an introduction to the topic: I not only present the content but also an applicable tool.

After that we go into the exchange, here is also time for a detailed Q&A.


The second session of the month is called Mastermind Meeting: Here you can expect a

self-moderated support in the topics that are important to you individually. Under my guidance, you will effectively support each other in your emerging topics.


The blind forum is our third meeting of the month. Here I will present an

individual but public couching for the group. You or one or

two other participants will be in a direct exchange with me.

all others listen and can be inspired by the content and methodology. This is also where the presented tools will be applied.


The fourth (and fifth) session will then usually be again the mastermind meeting.


At the beginning of each meeting we will do a check-in and a check-out at the end. That means we talk about how we are doing, which topics are currently present and also, whether anything has changed as a result of the previous training sessions.

The check-out focuses on what we can take away from the session and what we want to pay attention to until the next meeting.


In addition, I offer an exclusive Peter Pan-Podcast - spoken by me, with several episodes partly with accompanying PDF, which consists of all meetings and

important tools like the trust morning routine and a step-by-step guide on how to confidently address a sensitive topic in the context of

trustworthy communication. The goal is not only to understand and develop

your own needs, but also to enter into an exchange with others.


For this purpose I will create support groups on WhatsApp, in which you can

exchange information and ask for support.

You can use independent group formation, especially offline and on-site, to

intensify the exchange with other participants.


As already announced, there will be offered seven intensive courses on different topics.

These will take place in Madeira. The goal is not only to intensify specific topics in combination with individual wishes within the framework of the overall

concept of trust, but also a relaxing time-out, where you can concentrate on yourself

and the other participants.

These courses are exclusive and not included in the price; they offer themselves as a

deepening of the Peter-Pan-Academy


This you can expect for the coming 8 months starting on wednesday - the ... with the last meeting on wednesday the …

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